Sunday, August 31, 2008

I Surrender All

I Surrender ALL

All to Jesus I surrender,
All to Him I freely give;
I will ever love and trust Him,
In His presence daily live.

I surrender all,
I surrender all.
All to Thee, my blessed Savior,
I surrender all.

All to Jesus I surrender,
Humbly at His feet I bow,
Worldly pleasures all forsaken;
Take me, Jesus, take me now.

All to Jesus I surrender,
Make me, Savior, wholly Thine;
Let me feel Thy Holy Spirit,
Truly know that Thou art mine.

All to Jesus I surrender,Lord,
I give myself to Thee;
Fill me with Thy love and power,
Let Thy blessing fall on me.

All to Jesus I surrender,
Now I feel the sacred flame.
Oh, the joy of full salvation!
Glory, glory to His name!
Surrender \Sur*ren"der\, v. i. To give up one's self into the power of another; to yield; as, the enemy, seeing no way of escape, surrendered at the first summons.
[1913 Webster]

Saturday, August 9, 2008

The Crayon Box Song

Today I had a person asking for the lyrics to a song -
"with something about a box of crayons and describes the colors of the crayons with what Jesus did for us (black sin, white as snow, red blood) and stuff like that."

After reading the song's description I knew EXACTLY what song she was looking for - The Crayon Box Song!!!! I hadn't sung that song in YEARS. My mom would sing that song when my siblings and I were young - we loved singing that song! Of course that was quite a few years back in time and there comes a point where childhood songs fade into the back corners of the mind....until someone starts to hums the tune or begins singing the words to an old song - a song you hadn't thought of in years - like what happened today.

Well, I want to share this old treasure with you -
You may listen to the music here.

The Crayon Box Song

When I was just a little child
No higher than your knee,
My mother bought a box of crayons,
Just for me.
I picked them up and I opened them up
And I looked way down inside,
And the colors there reminded me
Of Jesus when He died.

O… Red is the color of the blood that He shed,
Brown is for the crown of thorns they laid upon His head.
Blue is for royalty! In Heaven He does dwell;
And yellow is for the Christian who's afraid to tell.

I colored and I colored
'Til the crayons were all gone,
And though I am much older now,
The mem'ry lingers on.
And when I see a little child
With crayon box in hand,
I tell them what they mean to me
And hope they'll understand.

O… Red is the color of the blood that He shed,
Brown is for the crown of thorns they laid upon His head.
Blue is for royalty! In Heaven He does dwell;
And yellow is for the Christian who's afraid to tell.

Afraid to tell of a Savior
Who died on Calvary,
He died for lowly sinners
Just like you and me;
And someday soon He's coming back
To be our King,
And the colors of the crayon box
We will sing!

O… Red is the color of the blood that He shed,
Brown is for the crown of thorns they laid upon His head.
Blue is for royalty! In Heaven He does dwell;
And yellow is for the Christian who's afraid to tell.
So, don't you be a Christian, who's afraid to tell!

Monday, August 4, 2008

Notes from Missions Conference

I'm finally sitting down to share with you some notes I took from our missions conference two weeks ago. Now I'm going to try and decipher what I wrote and see if it makes please bear with me as I try to put everything in order.

- God loved & lived the Bible.

- God came to call sinners, not the good.

-He never charged a penny.

-Never lost a case.

-He never refuses anyone that comes unto Him.

A baby may grow to be a devil - so innocent, yet very deceiving.

In order to lose Christ you must acknowledge Him - Judas betrayed Christ with a kiss.

Examine yourself.

Wrong motive? Are you serving Christ with the wrong motive - are you trying to gain worldly approval by showing everyone all you do for the Lord? Psalm 12.

Are you going to church and hear all the sermons, but remain untouched?

A friend may turn against you. See Luke 22 - a person pretends to be a friend outwardly by appearance, but inwardly they are plotting against you).

People may see Christ's glory even in the midst of betrayal.

A man may serve Christ and sell Christ - what would you sell Christ for? Judas sold Him for money - what might you sell Him for (a job, popularity, money, etc.)?

The Bride of Christ = forgiven sinners

Revelation 19:7; 22:(...)
-A great love

-Allows the bride to assume His name - CHRISTIAN.

-Provides for the daily needs of His wife. See Psalms 34:10 and Psalm 100:3.

- Fear not. See Isaiah 43.

-Promises never to leave.

- Weary- go to Jesus and He'll give you rest.

- Stress. See Isaiah 26.

-Pays all the debts for the wife (we are indebted to Christ). See Gal. 5

-Shares all His riches with His wife. Eph. 2

-Joint Heirs - Romans 8:17.

-Always wants to be together ( sign of being in love).

Anyway, I hope you enjoy those little hen scratchings I recorded from the conference - sorry they aren't the greatest, but I hope you get something out of them.