Thursday, April 10, 2008

Corresponding with Missionaries

O.k. perhaps by now you have finally found a missionary whom you can correspond with, perhaps you have already written them and received a reply. For most people the problem is what to talk/write about in order to keep a corresponding relationship going you must have something to say. Sometimes you may not have anything to say except, I'm praying for you, or I prayed for you today. That is VERY important. Do not become discouraged because you are a quiet person and have no idea what to talk about with this newly found missionary friend. I have found from experience that a quiet missionary that visits the church and you cannot seem to strike up a conversation with them often will write the longest letters/e-mails in reply to your cards, if you write to them.

EVERYONE has time to write - there are no excuses (missionaries included)!!! God has given us 24 hours a day to serve Him. We can serve Him by encouraging other fellow believers in our church or on the mission field. There is not a single person in this world that cannot take the time out of their day to write a note saying, "I'm praying for you or I've prayed for you today, write a verse, or a thinking of you card or e-mail. We must prioritize our life. Being too busy can become an excuse for laziness. When we become too busy in the things of the world that we neglect time with the Lord and fellowship with His people - we must stop everything at once and refocus our goals so that we can be in sweet fellowship with the Lord and do His will.

What can you ask a missionary? Here are just a few things to get you going...
  • Ask them questions related to daily living.
  • Do not generalize about missions or missionaries.
  • Ask about financial needs.
  • Ask for specific prayer requests about their personal lives & families.
  • Do not forget to ask about the missionary's spiritual life.

    Remember, depression is a terrible tool the devil uses to discourage the people in the front line of evangelism.

    -Take a minute to encourage someone today!

    Write to a shut-in (perhaps a older missionary couple that had to come off the field because of health problems), a sick member of your church or in your neighborhood, a young mother dealing with challenges of raising a Christian family in this ungodly world, a thank you for all you do note to your Pastor and/or wife....the list goes on and on.

1 comment:

Tori Leslie said...

Well since I'm a missionary myself, I really like your blog. I think it's a good thing your doing.
Keep it up!